Training Language Models with Language Feedback


Pretrained language models often do not perform tasks in ways that are in line with our preferences, e.g., generating offensive text or factually incorrect summaries. Recent work approaches the above issue by learning from a simple form of human evaluation - comparisons between pairs of model-generated task outputs. Comparison feedback conveys limited information about human preferences per human evaluation. Here, we propose to learn from natural language feedback, which conveys more information per human evaluation. We learn from language feedback on model outputs using a three-step learning algorithm. First, we condition the language model on the initial output and feedback to generate many refinements. Second, we choose the refinement with the highest similarity to the feedback. Third, we finetune a language model to maximize the likelihood of the chosen refinement given the input. In synthetic experiments, we first evaluate whether language models accurately incorporate feedback to produce refinements, finding that only large language models (175B parameters) do so. Using only 100 samples of human-written feedback, our learning algorithm finetunes a GPT-3 model to roughly human-level summarization ability.

The First Workshop on Learning with Natural Language Supervision at ACL 2022
Jérémy Scheurer
Jérémy Scheurer
Research Scientist

Jérémy graduated with an MS in Computer Science from ETH Zurich, and is currently a visiting researcher at New York University. He used to work at FAR AI with Ethan Perez, aligning language models to human preferences.

Ethan Perez
Ethan Perez
Research Scientist

Ethan is a Research Scientist at Anthropic. He completed his Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing at New York University. He was advised by Kyunghyun Cho and Douwe Kiela and funded by NSF and Open Philanthropy. His research focuses on aligning language models with human preferences, e.g., for content that is helpful, honest, and harmless. In particular, he is excited about developing learning algorithms that outdo humans at generating such content, by producing text that is free of social biases, cognitive biases, common misconceptions, and other limitations. Previously, he has spent time at DeepMind, Facebook AI Research, Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms, Uber, and Google. He earned a Bachelor’s from Rice University as the Engineering department’s Outstanding Senior. Visit his website to find out more.