Scaling Laws for Data Poisoning in LLMs


Recent work shows that LLMs are vulnerable to data poisoning, in which they are trained on partially corrupted or harmful data. Poisoned data is hard to detect, breaks guardrails, and leads to undesirable and harmful behavior. Given the intense efforts by leading labs to train and deploy increasingly larger and more capable LLMs, it is critical to ask if the risk of data poisoning will be naturally mitigated by scale, or if it is an increasing threat. We consider three threat models by which data poisoning can occur: malicious fine-tuning, imperfect data curation, and intentional data contamination. Our experiments evaluate the effects of data poisoning on 23 frontier LLMs ranging from 1.5-72 billion parameters on three datasets which speak to each of our threat models. We find that larger LLMs are increasingly vulnerable, learning harmful behavior – including sleeper agent behavior – significantly more quickly than smaller LLMs with even minimal data poisoning. These results underscore the need for robust safeguards against data poisoning in larger LLMs.

Adam Gleave
Adam Gleave
CEO and President of the Board

Adam Gleave is the CEO of FAR.AI. He completed his PhD in artificial intelligence (AI) at UC Berkeley, advised by Stuart Russell. His goal is to develop techniques necessary for advanced automated systems to verifiably act according to human preferences, even in situations unanticipated by their designer. He is particularly interested in improving methods for value learning, and robustness of deep RL. For more information, visit his website.

Kellin Pelrine
Kellin Pelrine
PhD Candidate

Kellin Pelrine is a PhD candidate at McGill University advised by Reihaneh Rabbany. He is also a member of the Mila AI Institute and the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship. His main interests are in developing machine learning methods to leverage all available data and exploring how we can ensure methods will work as well in practice as on paper, with a particular focus on social good applications. Kellin collaborates with Adam Gleave at FAR.AI, and previously worked with us as a Research Scientist Intern.